Why Scalp Micropigmentation Is a Huge Confidence Booster For Balding Men?

Hair loss

Why Scalp Micropigmentation Is a Huge Confidence Booster For Balding Men?

Balding men now have a new alternative solution to costly hair transplant surgery or ineffective over-the-counter medications: scalp micropigmentation (SMP). This nonsurgical treatment is commonly known as a “hair tattoo,” and for good reason. The process of using microneedles to add tiny pigment dots to the scalp is very similar to the process of getting a tattoo, making a “hair tattoo” a very attractive option for many men in Essex.


What balding men love most about scalp micropigmentation is that it gives them a very natural-looking “close shaven” appearance. The tiny dots of micropigmentation look just like tiny hair follicles, and even at close distance, it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between the micropigmentation and real hair. In short, scalp micropigmentation is a great way to add density to thinning hair, or to create an entire head of hair – all without having to resort to costly hair transplant surgery (and all of its related problems, such as scarring and potential surgical complications).


While scalp micropigmentation has been around since the early 2000’s, it is really only in the past decade that it has really taken off as a safe, affordable and mainstream way for men to reclaim a full head of hair. It’s no longer unusual to see articles about “hair tattoos” in men’s lifestyle magazines, or to see research studies on scalp micropigmentation show up in medical journals. In fact, since scalp micropigmentation is so undetectable, it might just be the case that some people you know have already had this nonsurgical treatment!


If you are looking for a hair tattoo in Essex, the best place to start is by requesting an initial consultation with a trained practitioner. This initial meeting will help you decide on the appropriate hairstyle made possible with scalp micropigmentation, as well as understand some of the side-effects of the treatment (usually just mild redness of the scalp). Then, over a period of a few hours, a medical practitioner will be able to add the micropigment hair follicles.


Since there might be some initial fading of the pigment after it is first applied, it may be necessary for a few follow-up sessions, just to get the proper darkness and density. The standard treatment lasts for about five years, though, and it’s permanent enough that you will have plenty of confidence to resume an athletic or active lifestyle.


Most men are happy with the results – especially when it comes to the renewed confidence they have about their overall appearance and attractiveness to others – and simply opt to have the same hairstyle applied again. That certainly beats the alternative – hoping against hope that applying “magical medication” to a bald scalp will somehow lead to a full head of hair. If you’re like the other 40 percent of men that experience some form of baldness between the ages of 18-to-49, scalp micropigmentation is a new, safe and relatively affordable alternative.


Whatever the reason for hair loss – hormones, aging, or genetics – scalp micropigmentation offers a potential solution. A full head of hair is finally possible, and that’s good news for men everywhere who have struggled with baldness. A more youthful appearance made possible with scalp micropigmentation could help you find a new romantic partner, or create a new image for you in the workplace. One thing is certain: it will be a huge confidence booster that will make your life more enjoyable.



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